Featured Headlines
Meeting Minutes
Syllabus Week
How do you know that your life sucks? You are in the library during syllabus week. Find out more…
The Jewterican
The Jewterican culture celebrates their Bar Mitzvah with a pig roast, which is against Jewish requirement and culture. Find out more…
Sports and How They Affect Your School
It's not just about tailgating. It's about money for academics. How sports in your school may actually keep tuition down. Find out more…
What You'll be Wearing Next Summer
Keep up with the latest fashion trends and best looks. Sometimes planning in advance will get you the attention you deserve. Check out out apparel…
You can submit your story
Let us know what is interesting to you and how you feel about the issues affecting you. Submissions to Fratmerica are welcome and may result in free swag! Find out more…