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Syllabus Week in the Library

How do you know that your life sucks? Find out more…

The Jewterican

A man, that must remain anonymous because he holds a prestigious position, told me this story the other day. Read the story here…


Submit Your Story

Wild stories, relevant news, commentary, criticism. If you have something interesting to say, let us know. Submissions to Fratmerica are welcome and may result in free stuff.


Welcome To Fratmerica

Ladies and gentlemen, mostly gentlemen, welcome to Fratmerica. This is a momentous occasion like the inauguration of Reagan or the eventual election of Mitt Romney. Fratmerica is a web-site specifically designed to outline and emphasize the appreciation for the fraternity lifestyle. As we all know fraternity gentleman love America, frankly because we have a profound love for capitalism, god and country. Day to day, week to week, month to month, we will full out explore the awesome-ness that is our lifestyle. Gentlemen, “To God and Capitalism!”